Monday, July 31, 2006

my happy day

harinie....ntah rasa ok plak walaupun tidur lewat....i wake up early to pray subuh then start browsing....then take my food...afterthat have short nap then go to dr m assignment on allelopathy..then find the information...really active n have energy in dr joseph boong class. it about organophosforus compund in pesticide...then have makcik amnah lunch...thank mahal la...then prepare the slaid..n read...quite confidence in my presentation....after class done some reading...then went back n hv some choclate n wafer...then i dunno when i sleep sedar jer kul8.30 dh...fuuhh.. then start browsing..then as usual chatting my my frenz...happy till now it 2.00 am in the morning still not sleep... nak tidur gak

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Doa Sheikh Muhammad Al Mohaisani

Masa 0:00] Ya Allah, Yang memiliki segala Keagongan
dan Kebesaran. Ya Allah, Yang maha Berkuasa, Yang
Agong, Yang Maha Besar, Yang Maha Tinggi. Kami memohon
Keagongan dan Kekuasaan-Mu. Dan kemenangan bagi
seluruh mujahiddin yang berjuang pada jalan-Mu. Ya
Allah, tetaplah disebelah mereka dan bersama-sama
mereka. Anugerahkanlah kejayaan; dan perkukuhkanlah
kedudukan mereka. Ya Allah, satukan wawasan mereka,
fokuskanlah sasaran senjata mereka, dan teguhkanlah
kata-kata mereka, Dan Ya Allah, cekalkanlah hati-hati

[0:33] Ya Allah, uruskanlah dan musnahkanlah musuh
mereka. Ya Allah, usirkanlah perhimpunan mereka,
hancurkanlah integriti mereka, lemahkanlah kekuatan
mereka, dan tanamkanlah ketakutan ke dalam hati
mereka, Ya Allah, nasib kami ditangan-Mu, dan urusan
kami akan dikembalikan kepada-Mu, dan keadaan kami
tidak terlindung dari pengetahuan-Mu, Kepada-Mu
serahkan kesengsaraan kami, Dan jiwa kami, dan
kepada-Mu kami mengadu, Kepada-Mu dan hanya kepada-Mu
sahajalah kami mengadu tentang kekejaman mereka yang
menindas, Dan kekejaman "Faajirin", Dan kemarahan
mereka yang dikhianati oleh penjenayah.

[1:30] Hanya kepada-Mu, Ya Allah, kami mengadu tentang
kekejaman dendam Kristian, Ya Allah, kegelapan
penindas telah dipanjangkan, Ya Allah, kegelapan
penindas telah dipanjangkan, (lagi) Ya Allah,
kegelapan penindas telah dipanjangkan, (dan lagi) Ya
Allah, kegelapan penindas telah dipanjangkan, (lagi)
Ya Allah, kegelapan penindas telah dipanjangkan.
Dendam golongan atheis telah berterusan jauh.

[2:00] Dan ... Pemimpin penjenayah Ya Allah,
(berhenti) Ya Allah, Kirimkan kepada mereka
tangan-tangan kebenaran ... Untuk mengangkat dengannya
penghinaan kami, Dan untuk mengembalikan kepada kamu
penghormatan kami, Dan untuk memusnahkan musuh kami
dengannya, Ya Allah, (berhenti) Ya Allah, Engkau
uruslah sumber kekejaman dan penindasan, (lagi) Engkau
uruslah sumber kekejaman dan penindasan, Ya Allah,
Kirimkan Kekuasaan-Mu menentang Amerika, Pusat
kekufuran dan fasaad (lagi) Kirimkan kekuasaan-Mu
menentang Amerika, (lagi) Pusat kekufuran dan fasaad,
Ya Allah, kami menyedari tentang mereka, Mereka
menyebarkan fasaad di bumi-Mu.

[3:02] Dan mereka membunuh hamba-Mu, Dan mereka
menghina agama-Mu (lagi) Ya Allah, kami menyedari
tentang mereka, Dan di atas mereka segala kekuatan, Ya
Allah, Kirimkan kekuasaan Kamu menentang mereka,
(lagi) Ya Allah, Kirimkan kekuasaan Kamu menentang
mereka. Ya Allah, hantarkan kepada mereka ribut kaum
'Aad, dan tangisan kaum Thamud, Dan taufan kaum Nuh,
Ya Allah, Hantarkan kepada mereka sesuatu yang
diturunkan dari langit, Dan dari apa yang keluar dari
bumi, Ya Allah, Engkau pecah-belahkan negara mereka,
Ya Allah, Jadikanlah negara mereka berpecahbelah dan
pisahkanlah mereka, Ya Allah, Yang Maha Hidup dan Maha
Berkuasa, Engkau tundukkanlah mereka di bawah
genggaman hamba-Mu, (lagi) Engkau tundukkanlah mereka
di bawah genggaman hamba-Mu, Ya Allah, Jadikanlah
ribut taufan melanda mereka berterusan.

[4:11] (Lagi) Ya Allah, Jadikanlah ribut taufan
melanda mereka berterusan. (berhenti 30 saat)

[4:40] Ya Allah, bebaskanlah saudara-saudara kami yang
ditawan, Ya Allah, bebaskanlah mereka, Ya Allah,
berilah kekuatan kepada mereka, Ya Allah, Teghukanlah
keimanan mereka, Ya Allah, jadikanlah segala
kemungkinan untuk mereka, Ya Allah, urusilah
orang-orang yang menyiksa mereka.

[5:01] (Lagi) Ya Allah uruskanlah orang-orang yang
menyiksa mereka, Ya Allah hapuskanlah mereka dengan
kuasa-Mu dan Kekuasaan-Mu, Ya Allah, jadikanlah
perancangan mereka menentang kami sebagai sebab kepada
kehancuran mereka, Dan kelicikan mereka, sebagai
kelicikan terhadap mereka, Ya Allah, Tuhan sekalian
alam, Yang Maha Hidup, Yang Maha Berkuasa, Yang Maha
Besar dan Yang Maha Pengasih, Yang Mendengar segala
do'a, Yang terdekat, untuk menerima do'a, Kami berdo'a
kepada-Mu, menyedari janji-janji-Mu, dan
penerimaan-Mu. Kerana Engkau telah berfirman dan
kata-kata-Mu adalah benar: "Mintalah kepada-Ku, Aku
akan menerima permintaanmu", Ya Allah, terimalah do'a
kami, (lagi) Ya Allah, terimalah do'a kami, Ya Allah,
Yang Maha Kekal, Yang Maha Agong, Yang Maha Berkuasa
di atas segala yang ada di langit dan bumi,

[6:00] Kami memohon agar Engkau selamatkan al-Aqsa
daripada kejahatan Yahudi, (lagi) Ya Allah, selamatkan
al-Aqsa daripada kejahatan Yahudi, Ya Allah,
bebaskanlah al-Aqsa daripada setiap kegelapan hati
orang-orang kafir, Ya Allah, rehatkanlah kami dalam
membebaskan Aqsa, dan kalahkanlah dendam Yahudi, Ya
Tuhan yang Maha besar lagi Maha Pengasih, Seluruh
makhluk merendah diri kepada-Mu, patuh, ... Ya Allah,
Penciptakami dari satu ruh, Ya Allah, Yang Maha Tinggi
kedudukan-Mu, Ya Allah, Yang mempunyai kekuatan yang
Maha Kuat, kami memohon kepada keagongan Islam dan
umat Islam. Ya Allah, Yang Maha Hidup, Yang Maha
Berkuasa, Ya Allah, lindungilah para ulama yang
berkerja keras (lagi) lindungilah para ulama yang
berkerja keras,

[7:01] Dan teguhkanlah mereka yang ikhlas menyeru
manusia pada jalan-Mu, Dan angkatlah kedudukan mereka
yang menyeru kepada yang ma'aruf dan mencegah dari
yang mungkar, Dan anugerahkanlah keampunan yang sama
kepada umat Islam yang menyertai mereka, Ya Allah,
Yang Maha Hidup, Yang Maha Berkuasa, Ya Allah, Yang
Maha Besar lagi Maha Pengasih, Ya Allah, dia yang
menyerah diri untuk menghancurkan mereka, Yang
bercakap untuk memburukkan kehormatan mereka, Dan
mencari tempat perlindungan mereka, Dan mereka yang
tidak Engkau berikan petunjuk, Ya Allah, jadikanlah
kesengsaraan destini mereka, Ya Allah, kekacauan di
jalannya, Ya allah, tukarkanlah kesihatan mereka
kepada kesakitan, Dan kekuatan mereka kepada penyakit,
Dan kekayaan mereka kepada kemiskinan, Dan kekuasaan
mereka kepada kelemahan. [7:57]


MARDI Cameron Highlands

we are around 23 student from various institution doing practical here. we really enjoy ur practical

Present practical

A Letter to My Sister

I sat in the car that night, after the blessed day of Eid, and watched you while my heart tore to shreds. You were so pretty, so confident, so relaxed as you strolled across the street while your "boyfriend" casually rested his arm on your shoulder. How I longed to get out of the car, take anything I could get my hands on, and cover you with it, that I might conceal some of what you deemed prudent to reveal and save you from being the object of lustful gazes.
Sure, your jeans fitted well, like a second skin, and your bare shoulders glistened beneath the street lights. No doubt, the effect you had aimed to achieve had been realized, but was Allah pleased with the effect you produced?
That "look" that you spend such a lot of time cultivating — tell me, what will be its end? All of us at last will enter a dark and lonely earth-filled grave, where your body that you spent so much time trying to perfect for the eyes of others will be food for the worms and ants.
The music that blared from the speakers of the car that you had emerged from shook the very earth beneath me, but undoubtedly an earthquake from Allah would have shook the ground even more. Where would that have left us, my dearest sister? Are you ready to meet your Lord?
And then the Adhan rang out. Not one of your friends switched off
their thumping music. The call, sent to us by Allah since the time of His blessed Prophet, fell on deaf ears that were accustomed to the voice of Shaytan alone.

And I cried as I thought of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) wandering the streets of Ta'if, calling towards the Oneness of God, towards a path that you have been blessed with, without any effort on your part. I cried as I pictured the stones from street urchins hitting his blessed body. Could you imagine yourself to be one of those who cast stones at the beloved of Allah and said to him, "Your way is not for me. Go, for I am at peace with what I have found. My desires reign supreme." Could it be that you are thinking like them — those who drew blood from his blessed body and caused his shoes to stick to his feet because of the excessive blood flowing into them?
I had to stifle the urge to get out of the car, stand in the middle of the street, and shout at all of you to stop! For Allah's sake — stop! My dearest sister, I love you. More than anything, I desire success for you. And what is success? Is it attracting the glance of men who desire you for nothing more than your body? Is it going out and having a "good time"? I would never want to see you suffer. But time has taught me that the path you are on is a slippery one that leads to nothing more than misery.
Once upon a time, I too believed that there was nothing more to life than having "fun." I too reveled in female attention that gave me a sense of self-worth — until I found purpose.
"What is purpose?" you ask. One word — Allah and following His way. That means leading a life filled with service to mankind and spreading goodness. No amount of male attention is going to fill that emptiness, the void left by not having Allah in your life.
I will pray for you and keep hoping that we will someday be friends in
Paradise. Ameen. Until then, I'm ready to help you in any way. I am your brother in Islam.

Top of Cameron Highlands

This picture i take when i have go out for field survey in entomology unit. we went to the top of cameron highlands it is gunung brinchang....really cool....betul tak kengkawan?


kenangan kt cameron highlands...this is the place i have done my practical

Ciri-ciri isteri pilihan

Ciri-ciri isteri pilihan
1. Ibu berkenan dengan bakal isteri.
2. Aku sendiri berkenan dengan bakal isteri.
3. Seorang yang pandai berbicara.
4. Seorang yang solehah.
5. Seorang yang hafizah dan pandai membaca Al-Quran.
6. Seorang doctor
7. Seorang yang pemurah.
8. Seorang yang alim.
9. Seorang yang sangup berkhidmat kepada suami.
10. Sanggup terlibat dengan aktiviti keagamaan
11. Seorang yang memakai purdah (option)
12. Seorang yang sanggup berjauhan dengan suami.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

gunung brinchang

my self at brinchang

Time to Wake Up — Putting Our Lives in Line With Islam

If you mention the word Muslim in the world today, you are sure to get a reaction. To some extent, the world has made up its own mind about what it thinks about Muslim youth, Muslim women, Muslim countries, Muslim law, and so on. A very large proportion of the world's population is Muslim, and yet there is still a lot of misunderstanding about what it actually means to be a Muslim. Since many of the youth are standard bearers of Islam, we should be sure that the basics of our belief are strong and correct.
The Creator
The essential belief of a Muslim is to acknowledge that there is one Creator, Allah. The Creator has many characteristics that all point to His mercy and justice. On a daily basis, we are all witness to the unity of Allah as we look around the world, and at the universe, and see how everything works in perfect harmony; no one part of creation can function on its own, and the same applies to people, too.
The fact that life continues and functions despite mankind's horrific wars, bloodshed, and pollution is an amazing witness to Allah's existence as well as to the fact that He guides and directs all things while giving mankind freedom of choice.
Allah tells us: [If there were gods besides Allah, then verily both (the heaven and the earth) had been disordered; glorified be Allah, the Lord of the throne, from all they ascribe (unto Him)] (Al-Anbiyaa' 21:22).
Everything Has a Meaning
Allah is Kind and Merciful, and He did not create all there is just for some kind of play and futility. Allah knows all things, so He knows what mankind will do; He knows the outcome of all things. He gave mankind freedom of choice to find his way through life and have the opportunity to know the Creator and the meaning of life. To help us along this difficult trek, Allah sent messengers to guide mankind.
Allah tells us: [Deemed ye then that We had created you for naught, and that ye would not be returned unto Us? Now Allah be exalted, the True King! There is no god save Him, the Lord of the Throne of Grace] (Al-Mu'minun 23:115-116).
Messengers as Guides to Mankind
The role of the messengers of Allah is unique. They receive guidance from the Lord to share with mankind, and when man adheres to this guidance, he is uplifted, civilized, and secure. The messages sent through the messengers of Allah help mankind to understand the Creator and the meaning of their lives, their origin, and their final goal. All the messengers were human beings, but they were exceedingly righteous and close to Allah; they never committed any cardinal sin or acted in a way that would put them outside the fold of faith.
Allah tells us: [And verily We have raised in every nation a messenger, (proclaiming): Serve Allah and shun false gods. Then some of them (there were) whom Allah guided, and some of them (there were) upon whom error has just hold] (An-Nahl 16:36).
We All Have a Purpose
All people in this world have their own potential; each person is special and has special qualities and capabilities. The role of man is to use these abilities and potentials to know Allah, obey Him, love Him, and spread goodness in the earth. We all follow our own path of destiny, and we are the ones who decide in which direction our feet will walk. We choose between right and wrong; good and evil, and we also live with the consequences of our words and actions. Allah does not expect us to be sinless, but He does want us to repent when we make mistakes. In the end, we will all be judged for what we sent forward in this world; our words and actions and the extent to which we were obedient to Allah.
Allah tells us: [I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me. I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Lo! Allah! He it is that giveth livelihood, the Lord of unbreakable might] (Adh-Dhariyat 51:56-58).
Mankind achieves a state of goodness or evil through his own choices, but at the same time, a person is unable to achieve goodness — piety — without the help and guidance of Allah. The role of mankind is to strive to perfect his soul and put it, along with his desires, in submission to Allah — to be free of evil, hatred, and grudge; and to control all the desires of the heart.
Allah tells us: [And a soul and Him Who perfected it. And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it. He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow, and he is indeed a failure who stunteth it] (Ash-Shams 91:7-10).
[Every soul is a pledge for its own deeds.] (Al-Muddaththir 74:38)
Some people might say that Islam is a difficult religion: You have to pray, fast, read Qur'an, dress and behave modestly, and so on. But the reality is that life is difficult but Islam makes it easier. For example, how many problems occur between people, communities, and nations because they cannot decide on laws to suit everyone? Islam solves the problem here because divine law is suitable for all times and places. Islam also guides people how to behave within families, communities, and nations. It guides people to achieve peace and harmony on every level of life. The challenge remains for us to actually live Islam so we can reap its fruits.

From Who You Are to Who You Want to Be

In the abyss of every heart nestles the desire to break the shackles of constraint and to allow one's self, one's spirit, to soar. Throughout our lives we all have desires, visions, and dreams and with such, a reticent "maybe, just maybe, I can be who I want to be."
It is easier to dream when we are little; there are no perceived obstacles, only possibilities. In childhood, there is even the absence of the reality that to attain one's desires, one has to endure an inevitable journey — which is often difficult yet sometimes pleasant. It is not often realized early on that to be who you want to be will take you through unanticipated journeys, and often you have to swim against the current or drown into what is possibly life's ultimate woe — conformity!!
Perch yourself upon a cloud and watch your life play out in front of you. How do you see yourself? Are you who you want to be? If you are, ma sha’ Allah, you have succeeded where most people lack the courage to be who they want to be!
If you are not, then you could be living behind a veil of discontent. In the ultimate journey which we call "life," we are confronted every day with multi-dimensional elements of living — family, school, work, friends, community, society, and so on. Each element prescribes a particular ideal, transmitting messages to you on who you should be, how you should behave, what makes you acceptable and unacceptable. Sometimes adhering to these prescribed "ideals" is a symptom of fear: fear of standing alone and not being part of the status quo, which moves alongside the fear of not living out one's authentic self.
To be who you want to be does not mean to reject society or to distance oneself from loved ones. Rather it is to have the courage to cast away the fears and obstacles that tell you not to pursue your desires and not to attain your dreams. It is to have the courage to know that even failure is a stepping stone to success. Someone once said, "Knowing which way to turn gives you self-confidence. Taking a chance and going the opposite way gives you a chance to see what you are made of."
When you have defined your goals, your interests, and your values, it is up to you to pursue them without letting obstacles stand in your way. Perhaps you are sighing and saying to yourself, "It's too late now"? But it is never too late. Diversions will always come our way, but they are a part of the journey of discovering who we are and who we want to be.
When we place obstacles to being who we want to be, we become used to the cyclical pattern of routine. We turn off the light of our dreams and desires and shut the door upon them. To be who you want to be requires breaking the mold of satisfying the desires of others before your own. This may sound selfish, but when you give to yourself, then you can give of yourself.
To be who you want to be is to gather your strength, march forward with confidence, and attain what is desirable to you. Each new day you should take the opportunity to confront one fear at a time. It is sometimes difficult in the beginning, but when you confront your fears and overcome them, you will find extraordinary peace in your heart.When you look at your life, do dreams, desires, courage, and resilience seem like a distant memory? Each day that dawns upon us is a gift, and each day brings its own surprises and treasures. We often let each day go unnoticed because we are bemoaning the past and agonizing over the future. But life will always have its challenges and if it didn't, how would you become who you want to be? It is in facing and overcoming life's challenges that we get to know ourselves and how strong and wise we really are.

A Letter to My Sister (in islam)

I sat in the car that night, after the blessed day of Eid, and watched you while my heart tore to shreds. You were so pretty, so confident, so relaxed as you strolled across the street while your "boyfriend" casually rested his arm on your shoulder. How I longed to get out of the car, take anything I could get my hands on, and cover you with it, that I might conceal some of what you deemed prudent to reveal and save you from being the object of lustful gazes.
Sure, your jeans fitted well, like a second skin, and your bare shoulders glistened beneath the street lights. No doubt, the effect you had aimed to achieve had been realized, but was Allah pleased with the effect you produced?
That "look" that you spend such a lot of time cultivating — tell me, what will be its end? All of us at last will enter a dark and lonely earth-filled grave, where your body that you spent so much time trying to perfect for the eyes of others will be food for the worms and ants.
The music that blared from the speakers of the car that you had emerged from shook the very earth beneath me, but undoubtedly an earthquake from Allah would have shook the ground even more. Where would that have left us, my dearest sister? Are you ready to meet your Lord?
And then the Adhan rang out. Not one of your friends switched offtheir thumping music. The call, sent to us by Allah since the time of His blessed Prophet, fell on deaf ears that were accustomed to the voice of Shaytan alone.

And I cried as I thought of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah upon him) wandering the streets of Ta'if, calling towards the Oneness of God, towards a path that you have been blessed with, without any effort on your part. I cried as I pictured the stones from street urchins hitting his blessed body. Could you imagine yourself to be one of those who cast stones at the beloved of Allah and said to him, "Your way is not for me. Go, for I am at peace with what I have found. My desires reign supreme." Could it be that you are thinking like them — those who drew blood from his blessed body and caused his shoes to stick to his feet because of the excessive blood flowing into them?
I had to stifle the urge to get out of the car, stand in the middle of the street, and shout at all of you to stop! For Allah's sake — stop! My dearest sister, I love you. More than anything, I desire success for you. And what is success? Is it attracting the glance of men who desire you for nothing more than your body? Is it going out and having a "good time"? I would never want to see you suffer. But time has taught me that the path you are on is a slippery one that leads to nothing more than misery.
Once upon a time, I too believed that there was nothing more to life than having "fun." I too reveled in female attention that gave me a sense of self-worth — until I found purpose.
"What is purpose?" you ask. One word — Allah and following His way. That means leading a life filled with service to mankind and spreading goodness. No amount of male attention is going to fill that emptiness, the void left by not having Allah in your life.
I will pray for you and keep hoping that we will someday be friends inParadise. Ameen. Until then, I'm ready to help you in any way. I am your brother in Islam.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Sem last (might be)

fuuh sedar tak sedar....dh dekat 3 week dah masuk sem baru..but actually mcm kurang semangat je....aritue masa awal minggu 1 semangat giler nk bt fyp tetiba jer jadi malas mungkin subject entah la proposal dh lama siap cuma nk update new info jer tue pn aku malas....adui hussain..wake up camner nk jd org hebat kata nk sambung ph.D...insyaALLAH mlm nie aku nk siapkan by hook or by crook...jgn offline lg internet sudah ler...lama giler tak tulis blog mungkin sebuk...then adengan praktikal kt cameron puncak desir angin tue...gempak giler...aku dh selesai present practical...present proposal inshaALLAH 4hb august nie...takut gak..entah aku jd org yg takut present plak sjak akhir2 nie...ungkin skill dh kurang sebab tak gilap kot

Sem last (might be)

fuuh sedar tak sedar....dh dekat 3 week dah masuk sem baru..but actually mcm kurang semangat je....aritue masa awal minggu 1 semangat giler nk bt fyp tetiba jer jadi malas mungkin subject entah la proposal dh lama siap cuma nk update new info jer tue pn aku malas....adui hussain..wake up camner nk jd org hebat kata nk sambung ph.D...insyaALLAH mlm nie aku nk siapkan by hook or by crook...jgn offline lg internet sudah ler...lama giler tak tulis blog mungkin sebuk...then adengan praktikal kt cameron puncak desir angin tue...gempak giler...aku dh selesai present practical...present proposal inshaALLAH 4hb august nie...takut gak..entah aku jd org yg takut present plak sjak akhir2 nie...ungkin skill dh kurang sebab tak gilap kot

Sem last (might be)

fuuh sedar tak sedar....dh dekat 3 week dah masuk sem baru..but actually mcm kurang semangat je....aritue masa awal minggu 1 semangat giler nk bt fyp tetiba jer jadi malas mungkin subject entah la proposal dh lama siap cuma nk update new info jer tue pn aku malas....adui hussain..wake up camner nk jd org hebat kata nk sambung ph.D...insyaALLAH mlm nie aku nk siapkan by hook or by crook...jgn offline lg internet sudah ler...lama giler tak tulis blog mungkin sebuk...then adengan praktikal kt cameron puncak desir angin tue...gempak giler...aku dh selesai present practical...present proposal inshaALLAH 4hb august nie...takut gak..entah aku jd org yg takut present plak sjak akhir2 nie...ungkin skill dh kurang sebab tak gilap kot