Thursday, August 23, 2012


permulaan semester selalu dikaitkan dengan buku...

dan student adalah golongan rajin membeli buku..walaupun kurang membaca haha...semasa B.Sc dulu cuma ada 2-3 buku sahaja yang aku beli...tapi bagi Postgrad..aku beli buku bagi semua subject supaya dpt rujuk di masa akan dtg...buku..buku dari merata...aku beli..

buku soil fertility and fertilizers dari New Delhi..
Intro Stats dari Texas...
 Intro Stats Technology Update (3rd Edition)
buku Weed of the south dari New Castle Delaware...,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

demi utk jimat duit haha...budak US kaya semua beli buku baru dari bookstore...saya tak mampu so beli buku baru international edition..yg murah hehe..janji content sama...

Monday, August 13, 2012

English language placement test

Good luck guys..

Hope to get a good result

My Apartment-Noble Oaks

My apartment...i have stayed for two months now..

What i like about my apartment is..



All utilities included..

Raining in Fayetteville

it is raining now in Fayetteville, Ar

what i like about is i dont have to water my plants tommorow...

the weather is so good for the past three is so cold yesterday morning...the temperature is 13 C....and it is summer...

the summer in United States is different with Europe...when it is summer...really a summer weather...temperature hit 44-45 C...and in Fayetteville there are one guy death because of heat stroke...

ya ALLAH bless us in this last 10 days of ramadhan...

Friday, August 10, 2012


I  wake up a bit early around 3.45 am and eat my sahur and pray. This morning i dont have a ride to the mosque so i just prayer fajr in my house.

After a few days i have been thinking to send my picture for Salam Perantau @ Berita Harian and Harian Metro, so today i am able to make it. I have send two different picture but both taken in Stuttgart, Arkansas. One with the U of A rice research station board and one with the rice field background.

Vijay pick me today for our glyphosate rolling activities. we prepare chemical and rolled weed in weed nursery and old green house.

then i help Fernando to get some apartment phone number and rush back home to take a bath.

i know i will be late for the orientation but i think in the schedule it is only registration and breakfast. i used the red bus and arrived @ 10.20 and proceed to union hall and realized i am actually missed ISS briefing session. Then i proceed with registration and name is not there..ooh that because of i have registered in summer...that fine i just proceed to the hall...and we were given some briefing on ISS...and then they introduce I Friend programme and talent program..Mohammad played was really nice...

after that i went out to registration counter to get my tag and colour code for small ground discussion. Actually i am really happy and looking forward to this orientation day ...Xi Ai and Arnold have give us a great introduction about the my group i have bro Rasel, Rabindra, Lathifa and her husband, sajid (pakistani guy), Shereen, Rieka,, Siwanuch...after that we proceed for lunch but i am fasting

so me and Ahlan (Indonesian friend) went to mosque for friday prayer...i am so sleepy and i slept all the way from union to the mosque..because normally i sleep during the day..but today i dont sleep...

Friday sermon was given by Bro Al Shurman and after friday prayer we walked to the Alumni house
and follow the orientation programme...we missed the briefing by Pat Walker health center ..we just arrived on International student office briefing and follow the police department briefing, and isis

then follow the Sponsored student program briefing..i get to know a vietnamese student that will be doing her PHD in english and also bro Sajid...

wow in that Briefing MS Gloria Passmore remember my name..she help me a lot on my application...i remeber calling her a few time for my application...she said she remember me by looking on my passport photo hahaha..

we meet student from kuwait, iran, pakistan, vietnam, morroco, and panama and Russia (kazastan)..all are sponsored student...many of them is muslim..thats very good..

i have a chance to meet lathifa husband who is really kind...then i realized i have lost my key

then i decide to go the the mosque...i think i misplaced it somewhere in the mosque...while i am walking out, i met a saudi women that will be doing her master here too....Alhamdulillah...

i walked to the mosque with Ahlan...when we were approaching mosque we saw they are doing BBQ for tonight it is so good...then when i am in the mosque i met bro Jawad..and he tell me about the sailor and a language expert stories..then i decide to find for my key..when i realize my key is not there..i went to bus stop and get a bus to union and went to the computer lab...and try to get somebody from lost and found is so sad ..they closed the counter by 5...and

i walked to union and want to go home..suddenly i got an idea to call sweetser mgm office if they have any key..the office also closed but they provide number for i called that guy and he will open the door for me...then i took the bus to my house and realize my key is on the table...oh my god..

since i was so tired..i decide to take a short nap....i woke up at 8.15...ooh it is really late for iftar...Suddenly bro wawan came to send the big black exec chair...this is really a blessing from i went to mosque with him for iftar....maybe ALLAH have decide my iftar is bbq chicken hehe...