Wednesday, December 17, 2014


NOVEMBER lovely BJB again causing me problem

with new tyre cost me 220 then tyre bearing 45..the guy who fix it is crazy and not doing his job properly causing me another 45 to fix the exhaust and new front bulb so total of 325

and december ..i spend 5 to fix the break again...

i think it is high time to change the break pump and absorber...ooh my lovely motorbike

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Drama Melayu

I really love to watch malay movies back in 1990's and 2000's . the movie that i like to watch like cinta antara benua, cinta korporat, romeo and juliet, cindrella, gerimis salju.

This is because all those movie were filmed in overseas. I feel that studying abroad were so good. But when i completed my Master in United States, i dont feel anything except being educated and outspoken.

Monday, October 13, 2014

BJB 105 episode2

Last 3 weeks my beloved BJB stop suddenly at Plus assumptions the belt tear off..i am right this time spend 280 on new belt, pulley ball, and the front pulley runner....

After 2 days spend another 25 for brake pad...ooh BJB please dont empty my wallet

Thursday, August 21, 2014

BJB 105

This motorcycle was bought by my father and since my favourite WPE 6434 still in workshop after major accident in 2013 i have to use this motorbike

2005-2014 almost 8 years and this years i spent a lot to maintain this

with a battery change cost me RM 200 then pulley, cvt, starter, gasket, cvt belt that cost me 700 then AGAIN the break pad and the break pump cost me 110 then come majopr overhaul with gasket, piston and valve cost me 650 ...ALL IN just 3 month

sesungguhnya pemilik motorsikal lebih kaya dr kereta..sebab maitanance tinggi

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Oral defense

kurang 3 jam lagi aku akan menghadapi oral defense untuk mempertahankan thesisku

Ya ALLAH SWT janganlah jadikan perjuangan ini sia-sia ..berilah kejayaan kepadaku..

bantulah hambu yang kerdil ini..sesuungguhnya aku lemah ya ALLAH...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24th 2012 - April 24th 2014

two years ago, on this date i leave my family behind to pursue my dream ..

this is the day i left my daddy and the last day i have seen him..o ALLAH have mercy on him

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Antara perkara yang paling aku rindu adalah azan berkumandang...

di negara uncle sam ini azan hanya didalam masjid..tidak dibenarkan dikumandangkan...

aku sedih..ingin sekali aku dengan azan....tapi apa kan daya...ALLAH maha mengetahui..tinggal 2 minggu sebelum pulang ke desa tercinta..kembalilah kepada normal

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

10 days to thesis submission

ada 10 hari lagi....aku harap aku dapat selesaikan dengan baik...lepas 10 hari boleh tidur lena
haha...tak mungkin kena concentrate defense pulak

perasaan menulis thesis

aku perasan sejak akhir2 ini aku sangat sensatif..mudah menangis..mudah marah..mungkin inilah perasaan org yang menulis thesis...

thesis ditulis dengan air mata..rindu...dan macam2 lagi

rindu atta


this saturday will be my 30th birthday and i want to inform you that i giving my defense very soon...

i always ask you to make dua for me..because you are my inspiration...

daddy...i am almost at the end of my degree, i want to tell you thank you for always being there for me and always give me strength to do my master..

Thank you atta...Hussain rindu bapak...

Friday, April 11, 2014

Perasaan Menulis Thesis

Menulis thesis adalah perkara yang aku akui susah dan sangat mencabar...antara perkara yg menyusahkan aku ialah tidak melakukan kerja dari awal..aku seharusnya telah menyiapkan literature review awal2 lagi..tapi tekanan kerja ...dan bebanan research menyebabkan aku kalah...

dengan ada lagi sekitar 14 hari..aku masih mempunyai data utk analysis..ini kerana bebanan professor yg menyuruh aku menambah data2 ..utk biji benih yg sgt membebankan aku...

aku nekad utk Phd ..aku seharunya yang mencadangkan tajuk..bukan professor

data analysis yg complicated juga membengongkan aku..

Ya ALLAH bantulah hambamu

Sunday, March 30, 2014

esok exit seminar

sudah lama aku siapkan presentation aku..cuma baru semalam betul2 review

and hari ini aku cuba add a few information that i feel it is necessary to be added to give a clear picture about the characteristics

memang dalam study ini ada payah..manis...pahit..tekanan...memang tak selamanya indah

PHD bukan masa untuk enjoy nanti..lebihkan untuk learning process

semoga aku tabah dalam habiskan master ini...


Pengalaman banyak mengajar kesakitan..apabila tahun pertama banyak sgt rilex

  1. many literature read and reviewed in second year
  2. many literature found in second year
  3. phd need to spend at least 6-month reading literature and well construct the fundamental information, menthodology
  4. read and write start from 1st year
  5. data to be key in from time to time
  6. analyze data time to time..will be idea to write thesis
  7. discussion with supervisor need to be recorded
  8. cari supervisor yang easy bukan payah
  9. cari yang friendly
  10. banyak doa
  11. banyakkan writing..
moga sucess in PHD....a way to fulfill my dream..

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

writing..part 1

with about 6 week..i am still improving my introduction and literature review...

please hussain get it done...

i want to go home soon

chocolate shopping n perfume..last..

 utk family n rakan 16 reese and 16 hersheys

utk mak 3 x big pouch reese, 3x big pouch kisses.. 3x big pouch hershey nuggets, 3x biscotti, ginger biscut..pepperidge biscuit..mounds coconut...hershey simple pleasure...pesto

n perfume utk adik2 aku

Thursday, March 13, 2014

tukar plan..tiket dah issue

so aku bercadang utk

7 mei fayetteville to lax
7 mei lax to las vegas
8 grand canyon
9 las vegas -la-san francisco

10 san francisco
11 san -los angleles
15 kerja


7 mei 5.10 pm -6.30 sampai di lax

7 mei tidur di lax

8 pagi ke san francisco

8 malam ke las vegas
9 grand canyon
9 malam atau 10 pagi balik ke los angeles

10-11 los angeles

11 mei 5 ptg to airport

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

kira-kira cuti..pening

cuti persendirian utk ke US

23 April - 4 mei = 9 hari sebab 1 mei..hari pekerja
..kecian aku pakai cuti tahunan

7 mei - 13 mei cuti perjalanan bab c.36

14-20 mei 2012 persediaan makmal

21 mei 2012 - 20 mei 2014..pengajian 24 bulan

21-27 perjalanan pulang...

so aku bercadang utk

7 mei fayetteville to lax
7 mei lax to las vegas
8 grand canyon
9 las vegas -la-san francisco

10 san francisco
11 san -los angleles
15 kerja

Monday, March 10, 2014

shopping...dress for work

i need some dress for i work it online today..

total damage: USD 220


from Macy's

from JC Penny

Sunday, March 09, 2014

item aku nak beli utk bawak balik malaysia

  1. grill with 4 burner
  2. steam press singer - kat malaysia lagi murah
  3. expresso maker
  4. pinggan corelle
  5. tfal
  6. baju untuk adik2
  7. baju kerja aku done
semoga murah rezeki dan ada duit nak shopping

mak nak pyrex and tfal
caphalon hard anodized 7 qt


MH 370 went missing since Saturday 1.30 am (Malaysia time). This is one of the history in Malaysia and the last time we had a big air craft crashed was in 1977.

i hope all passenger in that flight still alive.

Friday, February 28, 2014


this morning i worked with charlotte to finish up seed measurement..i show the way how to do that...seriously i know it is tough to measure is so minute..

it took her 2 hours to finish 3 sample..poor her...then i made her trash my sample...

i am so lazy to do it myself..i hope i have time to work on it by this week.....

i tried to stay and work but i am to tired...went back and sleep...woke up at almost 6...and back to lab at 7.30

i prepared chappati and some channa dhall curry ...i took initiative to type my data of seed weight..i hope tommorow i can finish type in my germination data.

actually i feel jealous today seeing some friend with set me down..but i guess ALLAH SWT have some good plan for me...embrace your sabr Hussain

writing is tough

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Leaving Islamic Centre Northwest Arkansas

Last week we have a dinner to welcome new student and returning student. It was awesome, i reall enjoyed the food...

we were entertained by some Saudi's student with poem from Imam is really awesome

i will be leaving this community one day for sure...back to my country..may ALLAH SWT bless this community

for the last two years..this place have been the place where i spend some of my time ...esspecially in Ramadhan..

i hope i will get a better community when i get home..oo ALLAH bless me with a good community

i will be missing all the hafiz imam with good voice in Ramadhan...the dars (classes) about marriage..solah and so on..

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Saintis ..Pengorbanan bukan bandingan ..anugerah tiada tandingan

pengorbanan untuk menjadi seorang penyelidik bukan sebarangan..banyak sangat cabaran yang perlu dihadapi dan hidup tidak selalunya indah

disebalik gerimis salju tersimpan kemas duka lara....yang dipendam....pengalaman berada di bumi Arkansas ini tidak akan padam dari sanubariku...

harinie sudah lebih 21 bulan di bumi ini...banyak suka..duka disini...aku masih lagi sedang cuba untuk menulis thesis ku..kelihatan terlalu sukar untuk ku menulis bahagian result..aku tak pasti apa yg patut ku tulis...supervisorku tidak memberikan guidelines dan memberikan aku peluang bebas untuk aku menulis semahuku...mungkin ini sebahagian dari latihan peringkat master

aku juga buntu dengan scope pengajian peringkat PhD yang perlu aku tulis untuk aku kemukan...masih belum jelas haluan ku...mungkin perlu lebih banyak tahajud supaya lebih banyak diberi panduan...

minggu ini merupakan minggu stress buatku..aku tidak pasti kenapa..mungkin kerana seorang pelajar baharu yang menjadikan kehidupan kami sesak dengan sikap show off nya...aku dijadikan bagaikan pekerjanya...sabarjerlah...memang stress dengan sikap tunjuk pandainya...aku serah padaMU ALLAH sekiranya itu ujian buatku...mulai esok aku akan tulis semua penat lelahku menulis thesis dalam blog ini untuk kenangan diriku...saat..saat akhir dibumi uncle sam....

Thursday, January 16, 2014


saya memandang tinggi pelajar Universiti di US nie kerana kebanyakan mereka adalah self dependent. Mereka bergantung kepada kerja separuh masa untuk menangung mereka di Universiti. Salah seorang darinya adalah cleaner kt lab saya, pelajar ijazah kejururawatan dan bekerja separuh masa sebagai janitor. dia selalu datang awal pagi atau lewat malam untuk melakukan kerjanya. Tetapi upahnya lumayan sekitar USD 10 per jam. saya kira tidak ramai pelajar University di malaysia mahu melakukannya. saya sendiri ditanggung pada peringkat sarjana dan menerima pinjaman semasa peringkat ijazah.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Muktamar IMSA-MISG 2013 & MSc Commencement

The day before that was a tough day for me since that is the 1st meeting with statistician to discuss about my data. it took us about 1 hour but most of the time discussing about Ean pigweed data and Dr Andy give some tips on how to clean my data...

the next day is my commencement (walk in), that night i spend time watching movie..Rab ne Bana ke Jodi..haha..and wake up around 5 starting to iron my dress...haha

went for Fajr prayer and then go back..given briefing by bro Teddy on his car since we will be using his car for trip to louisville...

i went to commencement with is a cold raining morning...we gathered in Walker indoor football stadium where i met Fawod...we are class of 2013..actually i will be class of 2014

i am so sleepy due to watching movie...haha..

we walk to Barnhill Arena and our robe become wet...i talk to a new friend before me when queing up until the moment we have sit..we feel boring and sleepy...

after 1 and half hour then come my turn to receive my scroll